
Beers all round, my copy of Built to Brew arrived at midday today, 24th June 2014. It has taken a while to get from first submission to printing (a little over a year), but it has been worth the wait, the book looks fantastic. So, potential readers, over to you now – you will probably … Continue reading

The question of stained glass

Week 34 An early update, as I’m off to foreign parts shortly, for a brief trip that I hope will include photography of some brewery-related stained glass. One location is ecclesiastical, the others not, which brings me to the question of the week: how come there is so little stained glass (any age) in British … Continue reading

Signs at random

Week 20 Here are a few more pub signs fished out from the photographic backlog, as I’m about to set off for Birmingham on a partly photo taking trip. Hope to be able to see the former M&B site on Cape Hill in Smethwick, and take a pic of the war memorial there, amongst other locations. … Continue reading